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Psychedelic Preparation + Integration 

Choosing to work with plant medicine and psychedelics is wonderful and also requires a deep level of care and discernment. I have worked ceremonially with plants for almost 8 years and have dabbled recreationally with cannabis, mushrooms and MDMA since a teenager. I believe wholeheartedly in the power of psychoactive plants as incredible teachers and healers; I have deep reverence for all that I have learned, unravelled and downloaded in my communion with these acred medicines. And, anything that has the power to heal, has the power to harm. In this my experience has been that intentional preparation and integration for journeying with psychedelics makes a world of difference. If you are considering working with these medicines, on your own or in a group experience and would like support pre and post journey, I can help. Check out my support packages below. 

Image by Esteban López
Image by Jaap Straydog
~ Preparation Support Only ~

Preparing the Mind, Body + Spirit through your unique intention for the ceremonial and/or psychedelic experience. This includes: 

  • Supporting finding & vetting your shaman or facilitator 

  • Preparatory journalling prompts for deeper self-exploration 

  • Personalized practices to help you prepare all the parts of yourself 

  • Access to my online recorded content, classes & resources to prepare the body

  • Recorded Meditation Practices to help prepare the mind 

  • Suggested devotional practices to help prepare your spirit and connect with the spirit of the medicine you are choosing to work with


This process begins with a phone call so I can get a sense of what you are working with, what you are hoping to achieve through working with medicine and from there I will develop a custom and personalized program for you.


Pricing Options:

  • $250 : Everything stated above with no somatic sessions 

  • $400 :  Everything stated above with 2 somatic sessions

~ Integration Support Only ~

Taking time to recount, revisit and integrate your ceremonial and/or psychedelic experience in all the ways; mind, body + spirit. This includes: 

  • Dedicated time to review and discuss your experience over the phone or online call

  • Journalling prompts for deeper exploration of what you experienced and how it relates to you intention 

  • Personalized practices to help you integrate

  • Access to my online recorded content, classes & resources to facilitate deeper integration into the body 

  • Recorded Meditation Practices

  • Suggested devotional practices to offer gratitude to medicines, guides, and other spiritual practices to support the soul. 


This personalized integration program is dedicated to helping you create the most of your ceremonial or psychedelic experience; to take what could be just a peak experience and turn it into a life changing event. 


Pricing Options:

  • $300 : Everything stated above with no somatic sessions

  • $500 :  Everything stated above with 2 somatic sessions

~ Preparation + Integration Support ~ 

Commit to receiving support before and after your experience and know what it is truly like to have a profound experience. Most people struggle, have "bad trips" or feel they did not get what they wanted from an experience when they do not know how to properly prepare and then do not have the integration supported they need afterwards. 


Pricing Options: 

  • $400 : Everything listed with no somatic sessions 

  • $750: Everything listed with 1 somatic session prior and 2 post



I am here to support you when you are ready to begin your journey! 

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