Inner Alchemy
8 Week Fully Supported Microdosing Program
Begins April 21st, 2024
We are living in a time of the second wave of a psychedelic renaissance. More and more people are discovering the benefits to working with psilocybin mushrooms on a personal level, as well as uncovering the incredible amount of research that has been and is still being done on how these little fungi's can support our mental, emotional and physical health.
As someone who has been working with mushrooms for many years in micro and macro doses, it began to feel important to share the benefits of this medicine with others. While microdosing is all the rage right now, it can be important for some, as well as beneficial, to work with microdsing within a container of knowledge, safety and support. The reason for this, is that the intelligence of this medicine can open up areas of the brain and body in ways that we haven't been able to otherwise tap into. As this happens, having someone who has walked this path before us, walk alongside us can each step of the way can make a world of difference.
In addition, some people who are currently or have already tried microdosing but have not been able to tap into the benefits. This can be because they have not connected with the best formula for them personally, have not tuned into the right dose or have not had the chance to be in a container that potentiates the microdosing experience; allowing for a deeper resonance of the medicine.
Benefits of Microdosing
(Just to name a few)
What is included

An integrative and embodied 8 week guide for deepening self-awareness and accessing neural plasticity
"We now know that psilocybin mushroom microdosing works. It is indisputable that there are benefits." — Paul Stamets

What you will receive
Intake Call
This intake call allows me to help you customize your dosing, formula and needs during the 8 weeks. What do you want to work on? What internal programs are no longer working for you? What do you want to achieve and receive? Together we create a supportive plan for optimal success!
2 Private 1:1 Sessions
The program will include private sessions to help you go deeper into the space that you are wanting to tend to. At the time of your choice, we will schedule two 1:1 Sessions. You can choose between a coaching call, somatic therapy session, breathwork session or a combination of all 3 depending on your needs at the time.
Group Support
Group supports will include peer encouragement, support from me as well as inspirational content to help you keep meeting your goals. This will be created via 2 Zoom calls as well as a group chat via Signal will help to create community support for you during the 8 weeks.
Weekly Content
Week by week you will receive content to help you excavate those aspects you are looking for. This includes journalling prompts, recorded movement classes, group breathwork sessions, somatic-based meditations and so much more!
Who is this program for?
People who are ready to give something new a try for their mental, physical and spiritual well-being
Those who have tried microdosing before but haven't experienced the benefits
Folks who are wanting to try microdosing but aren't sure where to start
Those who have worked with larger doses of plant medicines (Mushrooms, Ayahuasca , etc) and would like support with integrating larger experiences
People who are working with physical, mental and emotional suffering and feel stuck
Those looking for ways to increase creativity, performance, stamina and vitality in their lives
Folks who are wanting to work with neural plastic states for reprogramming and rewiring their nervous systems
People who are ready to shed old ways of armouring and feel more open and connected to life
Anyone who is curious about the psychedelic revolution and what is it all about!
*Does not include the cost of formula
Our intake call will help you discover the right micro-dosing formula for you. After this, you will order your own formula.