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~ Group Ceremony ~

Journeying within a group is an opportunity to be held and guided within a safe set and setting with experienced practitioners and facilitators. Group ceremonies are ideal for those who feel, for the most part, internally safe and want the benefits of receiving and sharing space with a group. All offerings are held by Reanna and a member of her support team and/or colleague.

Group ceremonies and this particular way of working may not be suitable for everyone. A thorough intake process in required before signing up and attending this events. If you have questions and would like more information, please reach out.
October 5/6 ~ Breaking Open Without Falling Apart
 Facilitated by Reanna Costa
Wolf Moon Temple: Golden, BC  
Breaking Open

"Both the ancient tradition of Buddhist psychology and the modern one of psychotherapy recognize that recovering the capacity to feel is crucial to their disciplines. There can be no wholeness without an integration of feelings. The paradox that both traditions have is discovered is that, while we seek to integrate feelings, the only way to access them is through a state of unintegration".

~ Mark Epstein 

For so many, we have lost the capacity to feel because we are afraid. We are afraid that finally feeling and turning towards all that has been unprocessed for so long will be too much, too intense, too overwhelming and so we avoid the backlog and trudge on. I believe this happens because we have not been taught that it is possible to feel deeply and not be destroyed by it, that we do have the ability and the capacity - we just have to be shown how. How do we break open without falling apart?In this mini retreat, you will be introduced to the tools for creating emotional resilience, how to feel, contain and meet yourself so that you learn, remember and embody the safety of allowing yourself to feel. 


Investment: $444 includes:

  • Teachings on Emodiment, Containment + Emotional Regulation 

  • 1 Psilohuasca Forest Medicine Ceremony 

  • Accommodation (camping or ceremony floor)

  • The Boulter Method Breathwork Session 

  • Embodiment Practices + Movement 

  • Organic Meals 


Schedule (subject to change):

Saturday, Oct 5th 

Arrival 10-11am 

11-1pm Introductions, Foundational Teachings 

1-2pm Lunch 

2-4pm Deepening Teachings + Practices 

4-5pm Break

5pm Medicine Ceremony ​

Sunday, Oct 6th

9am Breakfast

1030-1pm Breathwork, Closing + Integration 


$144 Non-refundable deposit required to hold your spot. Limited to 10 spaces. 



We invite you to arrive early (Friday) or stay late (Sunday) for an extended retreat experience!

Goonieland Permaculture Farm, home of the Wolf Moon temple, is nestled on the edge of the Rocky Mountains. It offers breathtaking views of the mountains, plenty of nature, and 200 acres of privacy. A range of accommodation options designed to enhance your retreat experience is available, all with wood stoves and access to the sauna, camp showers, and outdoor kitchen.


  • Private Queen Bed Glamping Tent with outdoor Wood-Fired Claw-Foot Tub: $140

  • Private Queen Bed Glamping Tent: $125

  • Shared Occupancy Queen Bed Glamping Tent: $70

  • Shared Occupancy Queen Bed (Tiny Home): $80

  • Shared Occupancy Double Bed (Tiny Home): $70

  • Private Tiny Home: $150

  • Camping: $30 per night (ceremony night, no charge)


*Please book accommodation directly through Betty (250) 272-8848 or




Friday ~ $50

Arrival: anytime after 4 pm

Benefits: Time to land, ground, and immerse yourself in the serene surroundings before the retreat officially begins.

5-630 Introduction to Natural Law w/Brian

630-730 Farm fresh soup & sourdough in the dome.

730-9 Wind Down Breathwork & Soundbath w/Betty

9-10pm Hot tub, Sauna & Cold Plunge 


Saturday ~ $25

Drop-in Yoga with Mary: Start your day with a gentle hatha yoga session to align your body and mind. ($15 drop-in)

October 17-20~ The Radical Rest Retreat 
 Facilitated by Reanna Costa, Supported by Naomi Delta
The Sentinel: Kalso, BC  
Radical Rest


“What would it be like to live in a well-rested world? Far too many of us have claimed productivity as the cornerstone of success. Brainwashed by capitalism, we subject our bodies and minds to work at an unrealistic, damaging, and machine level pace –– feeding into the same engine that enslaved millions into brutal labor for its own relentless benefit”


~ Tricia Hersey 

In the fast-paced world we live in which focuses so heavily on doing, accomplishing and striving it is so rare that we take the time to slow down, to rest and simply be. These fast and action orientated ways are templated into our nervous system and psyches; many people when given the time to slow down don’t know what to do with themselves, fear boredom or just simply don’t know how to shift gears. We are living in a society that glorifies this busyness and supports “grind culture”.

In our time together, we will explore rest in many ways: as a practice, as a state of being, as way to actually accomplish more and as a way to say no to the cultural normality of working ourselves to the point of depletion. Our goal is to help template in a new way of being, to deeply experience and embody the power of relaxation, restoration and the flow of vital energy in the body.


Retreat begins Thursday October 17th @ 3pm and ends Sunday, October 20th @ 1pm. Prices vary depending on the accommodation chosen.


All prices include:

  • Thorough intake process and preparation guidelines 

  • Expertly guided and facilitated Psilohuasca Forest Medicine Ceremony 

  • Boulter Method Breathwork Experience 

  • Masterful Embodiment + Movement Practices

  • Gentle Yoga Asana + Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep)

  • Heart Coherence Practices + Nervous System Regulation 

  • Nourishing, Organic Meals

  • Access to cedar hot tub/sauna

  • Luxurious accommodation right on the lake

  • Opportunities for massage and other integrative healing modalities

  • Post ceremony integration group zoom call 



Register/Inquire ->


Nov 1-3 ~ Song of The Heart Women's Retreat 
 Facilitated by Reanna Costa + Amber Samaya
Chanté Ishta: Blind Bay, BC  
Song of The Heart

Join Reanna & Amber for a weekend of remembering the sacred ways of connecting as women through medicine, ritual and song. This time will be one of honouring the divine feminine within each of us and cultivating space and resource to live from this place. Many of us women have lost our ability to speak our truth, to feel heard and to let our hearts blossom open through our voice. The time is now! 

​Investment: $555 includes:

  • 2 Nights/2 Day Offering 

  • Accommodation (camping or ceremony floor)

  • Organic Meals 

  • 1 Psilohuasca Forest Medicine Ceremony 

  • Breathwork 

  • Embodiment Practices + Movement 

  • Practices for opening your voice + Heart 

  • Women's Council Process 

  • Time in Nature 




2-3pm: Arrival/Settling In

3-6pm: Introductions + Foundational Teachings 

6pm: Dinner, Rest and Time to just BE 



830am Morning Yoga/Movement Practice 

930: Breakfast 

11am Deepening Practices 

2-4pm: Lunch/Rest/Time in Nature

5pm: Medicine Ceremony 



9am Breakfast 

10-12: Movement, Breathwork + Closing Integration Circle 


Contact Reanna to register ~ $150 Non-refundable deposit required to hold your spot.

Limited to 10 spaces. 



About Amber ~ 

I am a dynamic creative and self proclaimed ‘Mystic in the Matrix’ who shares my living expression of creative lifeforce and soul wisdom with the hope to inspire and encourage. I thoroughly embody the energies of artist, musician, poet, and ‘soul doula’ dedicated to coming alongside others to support connection to their soul's truth and life path.


In these modern times, many speak of feeling disconnected, isolated and fragmented, making agency, community and life path determination a challenge. Without the container of ‘the village’ to hold and support us, we often do not have a clear sense of how to make contributions to the world and carve out our identities. With deep integration and integrity, I model ways of simple and intentional living that lead to contentment, self awareness, coherency, interconnection, and the cultivation of personal and communal medicine. Such medicine grounds and supports us as we make the complex journey toward interbeing and self actualization in a hyper individualized cultural framework.  


I have intricately curated my music, creative workshops, and coaching experiences to be high-frequency mediums in which soul-sourced insights and renewed self-friendship and awareness can gently arise. From this tender and open place, we can harness creative lifeforce energy to support us in finding our feet as we integrate new ideas, insights, and patterns of being in more consciously-directed ways. 

It is my belief that personal healing and transformation comes through the open space of surrender, the fortification of divine wisdom, and the structuring frequencies of Love and Grace. We will constantly be in cycles of death-life-death and therefore healing will be an interative process as long as we are embodied. Seeking out ceremonial, creative, and curated ritual space for meeting the energies of change and transformation in our lives is paramount. 


I offer a variety of soulful experiences including Soul-Assist Creative Workshops (daylong and 3-day immersive), Group and 1:1 Soul-Assist Coaching, Write/Rite to Heal Workshops, Meeting the Voice Workshops, Social Media and Me Workshops, women's Red Thread Circles, and individual Red Thread Insight Sessions - a form of collaborative coaching with spiritual and intuitive bent. Each workshop is designed to create a nurturing space where participants can explore their creativity, express themselves in full, and create new patterning.


The main potency of my expression and medicine comes through my voice and channeled songs, which I bring into ceremonial contexts, community circles, women's events and retreats, and creative art experiences. My music holds an essence of the Mother's Love and invites rests for the soul and tenderness of the heart. 


I live in the salty, windswept upper Sunshine Coast, and enjoy a life of relative obscurity, making like a Selkie woman beside the Salish Sea. This oceanic and forested setting deeply influences my creativity and relating. It infuses my art and offerings with a sense of interconnected, mycelial, and cosmic wonder. 


Join me on a journey of deepening awareness of your soulscape. Whether through art, music, poetry, or creative experiences, I hope to bring a little gust of wind beneath your wings. 



November 8 ~ The Art of Re-Membering
 Facilitated by Reanna Costa + Musical Guest Shine Edgar 
Chanté Ishta: Blind Bay, BC  
Wolf Moon Temple

To "re-member" is to bring, again, the parts back to the greater whole. To integrate and allow. "Integration begins from the standpoint that is something is happening, the fact that it's happening makes it valid and therefore required. Nothing is viewed as 'wrong' or 'needing to be fixed'. Rather, if something appears to be out of balance, it needs to ne embraced back into the whole. When responded to accordingly, it contains insight for further growth. Integration (and re-membering) is therefore a response to what is".

~ Micheal Brown, The Presence Process 

Join Shine + Reanna for an extraordinary ​event! A blend of deep rooted wisdom and teachings alongside incredible live music, this is an experience not to be missed. Come and give yourself the time and space to re-member, to integrate and to breath and love yourself back into wholeness. 


Investment: $375 includes:

  • Teachings on Emodiment, Containment + Emotional Regulation 

  • 1 Psilohuasca Forest Medicine Ceremony 

  • Accommodation (camping or ceremony floor)

  • The Boulter Method Breathwork Session 

  • Embodiment Practices + Movement 

  • Organic Meals 


​Contact Reanna to register ~ $175 Non-refundable deposit required to hold your spot. Limited to 10 spaces. 


Renowned Australian didjeridu master Shine , has been performing, teaching and offering sound healing for close to 20 years. He has performed at numerous international festivals to thousands of people and shared the stage with many well known artists, including Mickey hart, Jai Uttal, Michael Franti, Rhiannon, Armando Peraza, Gaudi, Adham Shaikh, Ganga Giri and Mihirangi. Shine was intitiated into didjeridu healing by an Indigenous Aboriginal elder in 1991. He offered sound healing at Hollyhock retreat center for 10 years.


A number of leading experts in the field of spiritual healing, including Deepak Chopra, Eckhart Tolle, Ram Das, and Dr Andrew Weil have all experienced Shine’s work. Shine’s world beat rhythms , percussion and unique vocal styling’s, combined with timeless messages of indigenous wisdom, takes listeners on a journey! 


About Reanna

I have been holding space for groups and individuals for almost 2 decades through yoga, transformational retreats, trainings and coaching. With the support and encouragement of my teachers and mentors, I began to incorporate plant medicines into my work. I have been offering group and private ceremonies for the past 6 years in several locations around British Columbia and Alberta. This work has been deeply influenced by decades of personal experiences with several different plant medicines as well as countless ceremonies with Sacred Mushrooms, Huachuma and Ayahuasca. As well as experiences with 5MEO DMT, MDMA and Ketamine.

Reanna Costa

 The call to offer ceremonial work was strong for me, and after 1.5yr Shamanic Apprenticeship in 2017, alongside 2.5 years of personal in-depth mentorship within the realm of Somatic Therapy, I began to offer ceremony slowly to friends and family in small circles for roughly 2 years. Eventually, the circles grew and with experience and confidence, I branched out and began to offer ceremonial work in a larger way which as expanded quickly through referral and word of mouth only.


The Medicine I work with is often called, Psilohausca. It is a potent blend of my favourite mushroom strains along with a beautiful nervous system tonic made up of different medicinal herbs including, Syrian Rue (or Peganum harmala). The benefits of this blend of medicine are numerous, however the main one being that it allows one to dive deeply in a way that is as potent as Ayahuasca yet at the same time being more gentle and as such (in my experience) easier to integrate. Because my training is a blend of Shamanic and Somatic, all offerings no matter how long are a synthesis. In the ceremonial space, a work with methods and practices taught to me by the Pachakuti Mesa lineage as well as the medicine itself.  Journeys are guided through sound and music: some live via different instruments that I play and medicine songs that I have learned and carry from various traditions and different languages, and some recorded from other artists.  


All the work I offer is grounded in deep somatic and therapeutic knowledge; there is an emphasis on safety, containment and learning how to be with our different parts and aspects of self, to create yourself as a safe container to feel and allow these parts forward in a loving and integrative way. 


I am passionate about sharing and teaching how to integrate the ceremonial work into your life, to have your experiences with me be more than something cool you did one time, but something that supported your growth and evolution as a human at this time on Earth. 

All offerings are supported by 1 or more of incredible colleagues and team members who are dedicated and integral advocates of this way of working and showing up in the world. 



Wild Mushrooms
Dry Plants

Want to work privately?

Book for 1:1, couples or private group

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