We often hear that judgment is something to avoid—something negative or even harmful. But what if judgment is simply a natural response that can guide us toward a healthier, more aligned life? What if noticing, exploring, and allowing our natural judgments of others is actually a form of self-honesty and self-care?
Judgment can serve as an energetic boundary, a way for us to discern (which means "to judge well") who and what is compatible with our needs, desires, and well-being. This discernment is crucial in understanding that some relationships or situations may not be healthy—or even possible—for us. It's important to honor the boundaries set by our bodies and to trust our inner, felt "no," which often manifests as a judgment.
Judgment is an energetic push—whether it’s a subtle discomfort or a clear, strong reaction. The key is how we approach this natural push. We can judge in a loving way, recognizing that certain relationships or environments simply do not serve us. Or we can do it critically, shutting down possibilities without exploring the reasons behind our discomfort. How we navigate this process matters.
By embracing our judgments, we give ourselves permission to explore our true needs and desires. This kind of self-awareness opens up the possibility of creating relationships that are rooted in honesty and mutual respect. It allows us to set boundaries that feel right and aligned with our inner truth.
So, the next time you feel a judgment arise, rather than suppressing it, explore it. What is it telling you about your needs? Your desires? Your comfort levels? Use it as a tool for discernment. Not all judgments are meant to be acted upon, but they are all worth examining. This is how we judge well—for ourselves, for our relationships, and ultimately, for our own well-being.